The teacher of reading is involved, whether this is consciously realized or not, in the development of a literate society. And every teacher, 1 , needs to determine what level of literacy is 2 by society, what role he or she should take in 3 the desired standard of literacy, and what the implications of literacy are in a world context.
The Unesco report presents a world 4 of literacy. Too often we limit our thoughts to the 5 small proportion of illiterates in our own country and fail to see it in its international 6 .
The problems 7 developing nations are also facing industrialized nations. Literacy, as the report points out, is ‘inextricably intertwined with other aspects of national development… (and) … national development as a whole is bound 8 with the world context’. Literacy is not a by-product of social and economical development – it is a 9 of that development. Literacy can help people to function more effectively in a changing 10 and ideally will enable the individual to change the environment so that it functions more effectively.
Literacy progammes 11 in different countries have taken and are taking different 12 to the problem: for example the involvement of voluntary non-governmental organizations, which 13 the importance of seeing literacy not as a condition imposed on people but as a consequence of active participation 14 society. People can learn from the attempts of other countries to provide as 15 ‘literacy environment’.
Who are the ‘illiterates’ and how do we define them? At what point do we decide that illiteracy ends and literacy begins? Robert Hillerich 16 these questions. An illiterate, he finds, ‘may mean anything from one who has no formal schooling to one who has attended four years or less, to one who is unable to read or write at the level necessary to 17 successfully in his social position.’ Literacy, he points out, is not something one either has or has not got: ‘Any definition of literacy must recognize this quality as a continuum, representing all 18 of development.’
An educational definition – i.e. in terms of grades completed or skills mastered – is shown to be inadequate in 19 educationally defined mastery may bear only minimal relation to the language proficiency needed in coping with environmental demands. From a sociological / economic viewpoint the literacy needs of individuals vary greatly, and any definition must recognize the needs of the individual to engage effectively and to act 20 responsible participation.
Such a broadened definition excludes assessment based on a ‘reading-level type’; assessment must, rather, be flexible to fit both purpose and population.
1. A. therefore B. in addition C. however D. nevertheless
2. A. asked B. known C. demanded D. obtained
3. A. achieving B. getting C. fulfilling D. accomplishing
4. A. opinion B. idea C. point D. view
5. A. relatively B. particularly C. possibly D. definitely
6. A. situation B. context C. environment D. atmosphere
7. A. facing B. confronting C. encountering D. meeting
8. A. to B. in C. up D. across
9. A. component B. element C. ingredient D. factor
10. A. tendency B. environment C. inclination D. development
11. A. instituted B. rooted C. deprived D. revealed
12. A. ways B. methods C. approaches D. means
13. A. underlines B. indicates C. implies D. understates
14. A. into B. within C. in D. inside
15. A. adequate B. abundant C. over D. plenty
16. A. demands B. addresses C. remains D. maintains
17. A. perform B. do C. participate D. anticipate
18. A. extents B. forms C. degrees D. standards
19. A. that B. what C. which D. such
20. A. in B. for C. against D. with